Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Nov 7-Nov14 Post

Nov 7th-Election Day.....Eric had to work holding up signs at an Elementary school from 6 am to 9am. After he came home we went to order some storm windows and go out for lunch.

Nov 8th-Worked all day and than came home and rested...Later in the evening I got a call from my mom saying that Mindy was having seizures and that she was so weak. They brought her to the animal hospital and they said that she must have a brain tumor and that the best thing we could do was lay her down. I grew up with that dog and she was such a good dog to our family.

Thursday:Eric left for a Teachers Convention in MA for 2 days. I slept over mom and Dad's house. Glad he is home now!!! I missed him.

Friday.. Worked and chilled with Eric

Sat: I was suppose to be at work at 6 am but my alarm clock didnt go off. Luckly my body clock woke up and I woke up 6:45am. I had some unscheduled time off so i used 1 1/2 hour of time. Came home and raked leaves. This was the 3rd time we raked. Later at night I went shopping with mom.

Sunday: We had a birthday party at 2pm. Eric and I also bought a Snowthrower and a shed!
Thats all for now!


Eden said...

Well you had a busy week! What have you been doing for fun? Any new books? I just joined an online book swap.


One of my other blog friends has been doing this for a while. I'm excited!! Come join in on the fun!

Hope to hear from you soon.

A day in the life of said...

Not much for fun....Got to make some time for it though. LOL... Ok sounds like fun to book swap. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I wish we got enough snow to actually buy something to remove it with.. We seem to get mostly ice around here if anything at all - but maybe that will change this year?! :)
Sounds like you're staying busy enough! =D


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