Tuesday, November 21, 2006

strange problems/trials these past days

Ok for the past 4 days I have had some difficult times losing my badge for work and my keys. I am figuring it out that its my purse that has been causing me grieve. I have a purse that has no zipper and come to find out that when I place the purse down things fall out. So today I finally got a purse that has zippers and cute compartments that makes me organized. So hopefully I wont be going crazy looking for stuff.

Anyways yesterday I had a really bad day. Looked crazy for my badge all over the house and office. Went to cafetaria at work around 10:30 thinking lunch sandwiches are out/salad bar up and guess what nothing was out yet. I promised Eric i would get him a lunch today from The Hartford. . So I decided I can make it in 15 minutes to go Mcdonald's to get Eric a salad and the cashier/order taker goes well we are still serving breakfast. Im like ok can I order chicken salad for lunch and she goes..."we dont have a chicken. Then I get back to work and there is no place for me to park....Oh boy. Its 10:50. Im late so I ended using my half hour up for nothing. Around 11:15 I go to the cafetaria and I see a hotdog ready to go. I quickly go to my car which is parked a mile away and run to give him the hotdog.

Today I was gonna do a lot of errands and my car keys were no where to be found..Guess what in Eric's car at school. Aunt Holly picked me and brought me to school to get them.

At piano lessons today I had to call 911 because the parent of my student was choking and was out of it and was not making any sense. I called and the police and ambulance checked him out and he took a extra pill of Oxconting. But he is doing better. Scarry. Never called 911 for anything before.

1 comment:

Eden said...

Wow! What alot of crazy events to happen all at once! I'm glad you got a purse with a zipper! Hope next week goes smoother for you.


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