Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday Night Game with Katie and Tim/a-z survey!

Last night we had some fun at Starbucks with Katie and Tim. We played Skip Bo and it was fun. We also had some Starbucks drinks and of course we couldn't resist the desserts that were there.

I have been meaning to fill this form out so here it is!!!

A - Available or single: Unavailable
B - Best Friend: Well I have several but the top ones are my wonderful husband and my mom!

C - Cake or Pie: Pie
D - Drink of choice: Dunkachino
E - Essential Item you use everyday: Toothbrush with toothpaste

F - Favorite color: Purple
G - Gummy Bears or worms: I only like gummy bears
H - Hometown: CT

I - Indulgence: Shopping
J - January or February: Feb
K - Kids & Names: Someday soon maybe....Michael, Cara
L - Life is Incomplete Without? Jesus, My family
M - Marriage Date: Aug 1999
N - Number of Siblings: 3
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: A chair breaking when I sit on it LOl
Q - Fave Quote: "Dont worry be happy
R - Reason to Smile: God is good
S - Season: Summer
T - Tag 3 or 4 people:
? Ok Dont know
U - Unknown Fact about me: I like Sushi!
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: Tomatoes

W - Worst Habit: Repeating a question for reassurance...
X - Xrays: Stomach,

Y - Your Fave Food: Quesidella
Z - Zodiac Sign: Cancer: Zodiac sign? Yuck

1 comment:

Eden said...

Thanks for participating in the meme. It's a great way to learn alittle bit more about each other. Have a great weekend!


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