Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lesson Learned

Well yesterday Toby was so sick. I got home at 3:30 and Toby would not eat and he was acting so weird. I forced him to drink and eat and he puked several times and had a huge explosion luckly outside! I called the vet and of course that told me to bring him in. I was so worried about him. So Eric and I drove to Glastonbury and he got checked out. They examined him, talked to us and gave him some medications. After that he was doing much better. I am not happy about the bill....142.00. All because..................We gave him a chew bone and come to find out it is only intended for adult dogs. Obviously it was the bone that did it since he had 2 of them the night before.

Toby is doing much better. It was so pitiful to see him like that! Next time I will read all the directions!


Katy said...

Yikes about that bill!!! **hugs**
Glad he is feeling better now though, poor guy!

Katy said...

I didn't know where else to tell i thought i would do it here! LOL I didn't find the layout...i just worked with the HTML code myself to change the look of everything on my own. I would love to be able to help ya..but it may be hard to do if you aren't familiar with HTML at all..??


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