Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Ahead

Well its almost here....Spring! I am looking forward to the days being longer and when it will become dark like at 8pm instead at 4pm. Anyways....

I started my 4th job that exists in my life right now...I got my Hallmark Merchandising job back. So I have 8-10 hours more to add to my work week....

36 hours @ The Hartford
2 hours @ Piano Lessons
4 hours @ Bristol Hospital
10 hours @ Hallmark

That is 51 hours of working in 1 week People. Am I nuts or what? Not by choice do I want to do this. Anyways....I have a lot of responsibilites right now and eventually things will get paid for such as my irs taxes, credit cards, and hospital bill....whew! I am praying that it will get better and that E will find a job with benefits.....Please pray! Well....I am gonna go to bed now...I need all the zzzzzzzzzzzz i need. Good night.

But My God shall supply all your needs.................

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