Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Eye is feeling so much better!! PTL!!!

This past Fri night Eric helped out at our church....It was an all nighter activity for the Youth. I couldnt stay all night because of work in the AM. I decided to stay over my parents house and get up and go to work from there. I ran out of Saline solution...Took both of my contacts out and grabbed the wrong contact solution. It was the one that needs to be ionized and than rinsed with saline...I didnt bother reading the bottle...In the morning I woke up and placed my contact in my eye and I about Fell to the ground and screamed. It was horrible...I was even drooling from the burning to be graphic. My mom came running over and she helped me flushed my eye out....pain was not going away....All day yesterday my eye hurt...couldnt even shut the eye. So at night I said know what I am going to place ice cubes for several hours on my eye...what a relief.....I am doing alot better now...but still pinches slightly. So next time...I will definitely be prepared by bringing my own saline. I dont keep that kind of contact solution in my house!!!
Well its midnight and I have work in the AM!!! Praise the Lord that I didnt have to go to the ER and I am doing much better.


Moz + Pam said...

Phew! That was a close call! Glad you're feeling better & have no lasting damage! Praise the Lord!

Steve and Eden said...

Glad your eye is feeling better! How is life in CT?


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