Thursday, August 07, 2008

Our 9th Anniversary!

Today August 7th 2008 marks our 9th anniversary. Wow! Where does the time go to. I am so thankful for God giving me a husband to love me and be there for me thru the good times and bad times. I cherish all the time we have together.

Today we got a early morning call from Eric's mom wishing us a happy anniversary! That was very sweet of her. She left messages on each of our cell phones. How sweet. We both had to work all day but I was looking forward to spending the night going out to dinner and walking around at Evergreen Shops in South Windsor. He kept saying over and over to me..."Wow this place is amazing. Lets come back some Saturday". So I am happy I found a place he loves to go to with stores! LOL....

Anyways we walked around a little it was raining lightly but it didn't rain too badly. We ended up at Ted's Montana Grill" Very good and not too costly. All the food was hand made and not processed. Definitely will re visit. Had a good time together and look forward to more times!

Oh by the way we both exchanged gifts and we both got each other some movies....I got him August Rush and He like always out did me and bought me 3 movies one was "The Notebook".


Moz + Pam said...

Happy 9th anniversary!!!!!!!!! Was it that long ago when we attended your wedding?? WOW!! How time flies when you're having fun!! What a beautiful bride you made!! I love The Notebook movie. It is one of the best movies in my humble opinion. Have you read the book? Even better than the movie!

Robyn said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful anniversary! Isn't it crazy how fast the time goes by?! I love your wedding pic! Beautiful! :)

Steve and Eden said...

Happy 9th Anniversay! I've read and seen "The Notebook".

Robyn said...

How exciting!!!! Has he already begun?! Where do you guys go to church?


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