Tuesday, August 26, 2008

RIP Summer 2008

Well this is the last week of summer 2008. Where did the summer go...I dont know. Anyways we didn't have a chance to go to the beach we did go our favorite spot Stonington Point and took our chairs out and just sat and watch boats go by, climbed rocks and fell asleep in the car. LOL.
We are planning to go this weekend to the beach. YEAH!

Eric and I did go away for a mini weekend getaway we went to VT. With the price of gas we didn't go far away as usual so we bought season passes to Lake Compounce. So hopefully we will go one last time this week.

Other then that it was a busy summer with work, parties and so on.

This past Sunday we had a picnic with our church in Litchfield it was a lot of fun and we got to talk and get to know a lot of people better. Anyways here is a new thing I am going to try out on the blog

I Started my day by ----my phone ringing and calling back the doctors office
My Goals for today is --clean my house, go grocery shopping, make dinner,
Today I feel good because I slept in late no work at The Hartford
The funniest thing today===can't remember
The most memorable thing that occured went out to Olive Garden and had a frappicino with Eric and Tim
The best part of my day was when I had a mint mocha frappicino from Starbucks and relaxing outside Starbucks
Something I am looking forward to tomorrow....hmm work? how can I look forward to that.

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