Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Day of Memories!

Today I decided to do some closet cleaning and I came across a whole bunch of cards from my shower,wedding, when I was in college, anniversary cards, and birthday cards. And some encouraging letters from when I used to sing in Church. Tears ran from my face. I couldnt even talk to Eric on the phone. Some really sweet notes were written and a lot of memories kept flooding my head! Mom use to write me at college and it meant alot to me. Kristen gave me alot of letters too...They were so cute.Oneof the letters she sent me was a pic of minnie mouse that she colored and it said....To my Lisa, I miss you! She would also write me and say that she loves me and that she cant wait to see me. How cute was that...Check it out! Wow she has grown up too fast...Where did it all go! Anyways I stayed home and cleaned and did a load of laundry today, made dinner and tonight I went to Walmart with Mom.

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