Sunday, October 08, 2006

Apple Harvest Festival

Last Night (Oct 7th )Eric and I and Tim and Katie went to the Apple Harvest Festival in Southington. It was so much fun. When we got there we stopped to watch a band that was playing. They were so funny and was dressed so weird. I will definitely post pics of them. Pics to come! Food was great! We had buffalo wings for a snack and then we stopped to see them making kettle corn. Interesting! I wanted to get Apple fritters but The line was so long! Then we walked around at all the booths and we came to a game and Eric played a dart game and won a Nascar pic....My bro Jon loves Nascar and I will definitely give it to him for Christmas! He will like it for sure. Since we couldnt get the fritters every one was talking about in town I decided to go see if we can get some Candy Apples! Guess what All Sold OUT!!! I guess I will have to make them on my own some time!!! At one table they were selling Hot cider and It was so Yummy! After the fair we went out to Chilis and sat and talked for a while. Pics to come!


Eden said...

Too bad about the candied apples.

Anonymous said...
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