Sunday, February 11, 2007

Feb 2-Feb11 Highlights

Ok So Last Saturday I didn't end up using a personal day. I did indeed go to work. I really dont remember what happened on Saturday Afternoon or night. Sunday was the Superbowl and we went over my mom and dad's house for late lunch after that we went to church at night. We got invited to Tim M house and we hung out with Tim and Katie and had some appetizers. It was nice hanging out with them. On Monday was work. Tuesday I had a day off and did some housework and made some Honey wheat bread and went to Piano lessons for 4. Wed was a very slow day at work and I left at 1:15. There was no work to do. So i enjoyed the afternoon off and went to visit Aunt Bernice and the kids. Then at night I went out with my mom to Bertucci's to celebrate Helen L birthday. A lot of my mom's friends were there and I had a great time of fellowship. After that my mom and I went shopping at Wild Oats and TJ Maxx. It was a lot of fun. Thursday was work and then i came home and later that night we watched The Money Pit. Friday was work. On Friday Night Eric was going to take me to Cracker Barrel but there was an accident on 84 so we ended up at Hometown Buffet. Saturday we went to Kris's basketball against Emmanuel....What a fun game to watch. Katie and Tim came with us and then after the game we ended up at Imperial in Newington....Let me tell you that place is so yummy! There goes my diet! Seems like a lot of eating out...Not this week though.
Today hung out at home and RELAXED! Did nothing accept wash some dishes. Later at night tonight we went to the hospital to clean and then stopped at Stop and Shop to get some Activa. My stomach was not so hot today! That's it for now.

1 comment:

Eden said...

Have a great week, Lisa!


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