Saturday, April 21, 2007

What a Gorgeous Day!

Today was so warm and beautiful. Finally we got some nice weather. Today after work Eric and I went out to lunch at Bertucci's. The antipasto we had was so good. We had a great time together just talking. After lunch we went to Norton Park in Plainville and walked the trail.. Let me tell you the weather was so nice. We had a great time there too. Haven't done that in a long time.

Not much is going on.....Work is getting a little stressful and hopefully I can get my hours changed so I can have more time to do more Piano lessons. So we shall see.

This week was my dad's birthday and I tried to attempt to make the cake but the 2 cakes I made were not that great so I decided to call Manafico's Bakery in Plainville and let me tell you the cake was not disappointing. We had a great time celebrating at his house. He even made homemade pasta on his birthday. It was fun...Everyone was there including Jenna and Josh. Boy are they getting big.

Looking forward to the Rock Cats game tomorrow and to hear Safe at Home. Details to come!

1 comment:

Eden said...

Hey there! Glad you enjoyed the weekend! We're now in beautiful CA!! Have a great week!


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