Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Change in plans/Fever

On Sunday we were unable to go to the Rock Cats game. I was suppose to get the tickets on Saturday and I didn't realize the email said to go on Saturday. We were very disappointed but God had a reason for us not going.

On Saturday Night i started feeling sick. My throat was very itchy and I developed a cough. Sunday I felt bad too but not as bad as Yesterday. I went to work and saw the Nurse Practioner and he said I had a fever and that I may be suffering from a Viral Infection. Last night my fever was all the way up to 101. Scary. I never have fevers. I felt so bad and so hot. Today I have off and I am so glad. I still have a itchy throat and not feeling good. Please pray!

Well I am off for a nap...I need all the rest I can and hopefully I will feel better by tomorrow.
Enjoy the nice day today.

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