Monday, July 09, 2007

This year it rained on the 4th of July. Anyways we had a family cookout with my mom's side of the family. It was nice to have everyone together expect Papa was not there. I got to cook the chicken on the grill and it was kinda fun. We had so much food like normal. After we ate we sat around and talked. It was a quiet day. It was very nice to have 2 days off in a row. Not much happened.

On Saturday Eric and I and Tim and Katie went to Stonington and hung out over there and climbed on the rocks and sat and talked. Yes! I did climb on the rocks and it wasn't easy but I made it back! After that we walked around and then went out to dinner in Mystic. It was fun!

Sunday we went to church at Liberty and the Pastor preached on Sleep! After church we cleaned the hospital and ended up at Century. We happened to see a lot of people from Liberty and the pastor was even there. In the afternoon we laid out in the pool and chilled. What a hot day! At night we returned to church and people got to choose their favorite hymn and we sang and had the sermon. We met a couple our age and we hit it off good. After church we went to wendy's and we saw The Adomochies and they invited us to sit with them we chatted for sometime.

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