Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

This year Eric went to FL to visit his family for Thanksgiving. I was not able to go because of work and other things. So my Thanksgiving has been a little different without him here. I am looking forward to spending at least Christmas together. He needed to see his family since its been a year and half since he saw them last. He will be coming home on Tuesday. I am looking forward to having him back...its been too long.

This year my parents had Thanksgiving at their house. She went overboard with all the yummy food like always. Jon's Future inlaws came over (YES, FINALLY HE PROPOSED) It was fun. I am so proud of my bro...He proposed to Lyndsey on Thanksgiving night! What a wonderful time to get engaged. We all went around the table and said what we were thankful for and he said he was thankful for family and friends and then all of a sudden he dishes out a cake that had a personalized box that said "Will you marry me?". Inside the box was an engagement ring. What a nice plan he had. It was so awesome. Lynds was so shocked and she is so excited! I can't wait for the wedding now. I have something to look forward to. I love weddings!

We had a good time and I am certainly anticipating Christmas! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I'm sorry Thanksgiving was a downer kinda this year!!!
But how exciting about the proposal! (Your brother proposed to his gf right?) That is so exciting! :)


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