Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I am so blessed! I am very thankful to be alive

Well Yesterday marked my 1st time of being ever in an accident. I am very thankful to be alive and thankful our car is not totalled or damaged too badly. I was traveling at 4 pm on 1/22 and I happened to go down a street in Plainville CT that I rearly every go down and there happened to be 2 stop signs in less than 10 feet of each other. And I am not sure what happened but My car would not stop and went thru the stop sign before I knew it I had a car right in front of me and I had no control of my vehicle. I tried stopping the car and it wouldn't stop...I knew I was going to hit the car and it was a matter of time before CRASH. I prayed to God right before the crash to protect me and I felt like an angel came and put a shield right in front of me. It was something I really never experienced in my life. It was amazing. I pulled my car over and the other car stopped and the lady came out and said are you ok and I said yes and that I was really sorry. I was still in shock and felt really numb..I was just so thankful that I didn't get hurt. She called the cops and meanwhile I was searching frantically all over for my phone. Couldn't find it and then I said to the lady "I need to call someone...I am gonna go across the street to use the phone and she said you can use mine but her phone was going dead. I tried calling my mom's cell phone and my aunt's phone and my sister's phone and no one was picking up. I am like they are only 1 block away and I needed someone there with me. Finally my mom called back and the lady told her I got in an accident and that I was ok. The cop arrived and shortly after that my mom came. He ran my license and insurance and I was praying hard and crying and after a few minutes he came out of his car and said "I'm not going to give you a ticket?" I didnt argue. Praise the Lord! No Ticket, No injuries and my car isn't too bad! I love you, Lord!


Katy said...

oh my gosh!!!! So glad you are OK!!! Accidents are soo scary!!!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Bless your heart! Isn't the Lord so good to us? Glad that you're safe ...



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