Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I didn't forgot about my blog

For those of you who are wondering about my blog. I am back. Been a little too busy with a lot of stuff and not feeling so hot with my GERD and other stuff. I finally went on Nexium and boy what a big difference I am feeling. Not so happy about paying the Co-pay of 40 a month. Not fun but I need it. Anyways. ... We have been getting hit with some weird weather. One day its like 40 degrees and the next day its like in the teens. Today was very nice out.

On Monday was my sister's basketball tournament. What a game against Emmanuel! It was very fun to watch the guys game and the girls game.

Last night Eric and I rented "A Night with A King''. Very good and Accurate about Esther in the Bible. Must see movie. I would highly recommend it. It was great watching a movie with my hunny!

Well I got to go do some work around here....Laundry, wash the floor, dinner...etc...Fun Fun Fun..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Copays are awful... We just switched Talia to OTC allergy meds because ours is $40 otherwise as well. Not fun.

That was a good movie! Facing The Giants is incredible to! If you haven't seen that one yet you need to! :)



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